Loogarmon - BT14-074 - C (Championship 2023 Tamers Pack) - Foil Tweet New, English, 1 In stock $20.49 Details Play Cost: 6 Card Type: Digimon Color: Purple Digimon Type: Dark Animal/X Antibody/SoC Art Style: Normal Attribute: Virus Card Name: Loogarmon Card Number: BT14-074 Digivolve 1 Cost: 2 Digivolve Effect: [Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] When you play a card with the [Dark Animal] or [SoC] trait, gain 1 memory. DP: 6000 Effect: [When Attacking] By trashing 1 card in your hand, [Draw 1]. If [Eiji Nagasumi] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, gain 1 memory. Finish: Foil Form: Champion Level: 4 Rarity: C