ShadowSeraphimon ACE - BT18-071 - SR - Foil Tweet New, English, 3 In stock $12.00 Details Play Cost: 7 Card Type: Digimon Color: Multi-Color Digimon Type: Seraph Art Style: Normal Attribute: Virus Card Name: ShadowSeraphimon ACE Card Number: BT18-071 Digivolve 1 Cost: 4 Digivolve 2 Cost: 4 DP: 12000 Effect: [[Digivolve] [Seraphimon]: Cost 1/[Digivolve] [Sephirothmon] w/[Mercurymon] in digivolution cards: Cost 4] [Hand] [Counter] [Blast Digivolve] [Blocker] [On Play] [When Digivolving] [De-Digivolve 3] 1 of your opponent's Digimon. [All Turns] [Once Per Turn] When an attack target is changed, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -5000 DP for the turn. [Rule] Trait: Has [Three Great Angels]. Finish: Foil Form: Mega Level: 6 Rarity: SR Security Effect: [Security] Delete 1 of your opponent's Digimon with 6000 DP or less. Then, if you have 0 security cards, [Recovery +1 "Deck"].